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Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Lufthansa launches 747-8, orders more A340s

Lufthansa confirmed an order today for twenty Boeing 747-8 aircraft with options for twenty more, being the first airline to announce an order for the type. The list price of the planes is $5.5 billion, but with discounts that Lufthansa most likely got the price comes down to about $3.2 billion or less.The new 747-8 features the same engines as the 787 and is cleaner and quieter. It also has a 787-style cabin and has a newer, more efficient wing....

Monday, December 4, 2006

US Air and Delta - merger tidbits

A little update on the US Airways/Delta merger situation. I read over the letters that the CEOs of the two airlines sent each other. I chuckled at the fact that US Air CEO Doug Parker called his Delta counterpart as "Jerry". (You can read the two letters here and here.)Yet despite all the amicable talk, Jerry isn't giving in to Doug's request. Instead, both sides have launched massive PR campaigns in order to try to sway public opinion towards...