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Monday, January 30, 2012

Return to Base

I had one of those days on Saturday that started early, went bad fast and only got worse as the day went on.   One of those rare days when nothing seems to go right and in spite of great efforts to the contrary, everyone involved leaves dissatisfied and determined to utilize another airline for future travel.  I signed in at 5am for the third day of a three day trip.  Go home day.  The day when everyone desperately hopes...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Down Three Red

Waiting in line for takeoff from San Diego San Diego has a noise curfew that prohibits takeoff before 6:30am.  No need to set an alarm clock if you live off the west end of the runway as the first MD80 departure of the day could wake the dead.  Most of the airlines push off the gate around 6:15 taxi down and wait for the clock to click past 6:29.  As you can see from the picture, my flight was about number 5 in line this morning...we...