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Monday, January 30, 2012

Return to Base

I had one of those days on Saturday that started early, went bad fast and only got worse as the day went on.   One of those rare days when nothing seems to go right and in spite of great efforts to the contrary, everyone involved leaves dissatisfied and determined to utilize another airline for future travel. 

I signed in at 5am for the third day of a three day trip.  Go home day.  The day when everyone desperately hopes for smooth travel and an on time or early return to base.  We were scheduled for three legs, over 7 hours of flight time and 11 hours on duty.  We ended the day with closer to 9 hours of actual flight time and 14 hours on duty.  A long day by any measure.

Leg number one went as planned.  Our early morning departure out of Colorado necessitated de-icing and an extra cup of coffee, but we left the gate ahead of schedule and landed at our destination 15 minutes early.  One down, two to go.  We were originally scheduled to keep the same aircraft all day and even had the same flight number for the first and second leg, but upon arrival after leg number one we were informed that we would be changing aircraft before our next departure. 

Swapping planes…the bag drag…adds more trouble and complication to a crew’s day than you might think.  Pilots and Flight Attendants alike build what is often called a “nest” in the aircraft.  Bags, books, checklists, headsets and everything else in its proper place takes time and effort.  We all hate changing airplanes especially when you’re already on one that’s working properly.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve swapped to a new jet only to find that the new one is late, broken or both.  In this case, our original jet was working fine, our nests were built and dragging our bags from one end of the airport to the other was only going to add to the fatigue of an already long day.

As I began to settle into my new work space, one of my first actions was to check the aircraft logbook.  This is where the day started to go south.  An aircraft, especially a large jet, is a complicated piece of machinery and it’s not uncommon for things not to work properly.  There are multiple backups for all important systems and for the most part, the passengers on board are almost always oblivious to malfunctions.  This particular aircraft had been written up the day before for problems with a landing gear indicator light, an anti-skid issue and a problem with the automatic spoilers.  What we like to see as pilots is a balancing entry in the logbook that shows corrective action to repair the issue.  What we do not like to see in the logbook are the words “unable to duplicate, ok for service.”  Guess what was written in my logbook.

The jet had been flown since these words were added to the aircraft logbook, so I was hopeful that the issues had been resolved.  Sometimes, an airplane is a little like your home computer.  Turn everything off, remove all power and reboot…you’d be surprised how often that works. 

We pushed back from the gate on time, taxied out for takeoff and were almost to the runway before we had our first sign of trouble.  As we approached the runway, I was working through the Before Takeoff Checklist and was unable to arm the auto-brakes.  (In the event of an aborted takeoff, auto-brakes will engage the brakes automatically to help slow the aircraft)  Then I noticed that all four anti-skid inop lights were illuminated on the overhead panel.  We stopped the aircraft, worked through our checklists and were able to reset the system and extinguish the warning lights.  Problem solved, cleared for takeoff.

It was my leg, and as I climbed through about 5000 feet the Captain noticed the left main landing gear unsafe light was illuminated.  This light indicates the landing gear is not in agreement with the landing gear handle.  In this case, the light indicated that the left main gear was not all the way up and locked.  We decided to continue climbing while we ran the checklist.  About the time the Captain had started running the checklist, the landing gear door light illuminated.  This aircraft has gear doors that open to allow the gear to raise and lower and are always closed when the landing gear is either all the way up or all the way down.  The light was an indication that the door was open.  A little or a lot, we did not know. 

I turned the auto-pilot off and flew the aircraft by hand for a while hoping to detect some unusual control inputs that would help determine if the lights were correct.  It was a possibility that both the lights were in error and that the gear was up and the door was closed.  One step in the procedure was to turn the hydraulic system from low to high pressure to ensure sufficient pressure was available to raise the gear and secure the doors.  As we turned the engine-driven hydraulic pumps from low to high, we heard and felt a loud kathunk as the some portion of the gear or gear doors found their correct place and the warning lights went out.

Just about this time, I looked up at the overhead annunciator panel and noticed that the “Auto Spoiler Do Not Use” light was illuminated.  So here we were, no more than 10 minutes into the flight and all three previously noted issues had resurfaced.

After working through the various checklist procedures, were able to correct the issue with the landing gear.  The anti-skid issue was rectified on the ground, but the circuitry would not allow testing of this system while airborne with the gear up…so we really didn’t know if it would work upon arrival.  The only issue we were unable to address was the auto spoiler, which could be deployed manually upon landing.  No big deal.

We continued on course and climbed to cruise altitude as we continued to discuss the possible outcomes of what had occurred thus far.  The aircraft was safe to fly and could easily, safely and legally be landed even if all three of these problems resurfaced, so the immediate decision was made to continue on to our scheduled destination.  However, it occurred to us that the aircraft would have to be written up after we landed and might not be able to be fixed at an outstation.  To complicate matters, we were en-route to a destination outside of the United States where maintenance was going to be difficult to arrange.  If we continued and landed at our destination, it was highly probable that our return flight would cancel and we would spend the night.

Selfishly…we were en-route to a beach destination in Mexico where our all-inclusive hotel sits only steps from the ocean.  Spending the night would not have been a bad thing.  We decided that this decision should be made by someone else and called home to ask Mom.  Our aircraft is equipped with a phone that utilizes the aircraft’s on board Wi-Fi signal to place calls.  We dialed the number and in seconds were having a phone conversation with company dispatch.

Quoting company policy to continue the flight if the aircraft is in safe and airworthy condition, we were initially instructed to continue.  The idea is to get one plane load of passengers where they want to be and inconvenience the return group instead of both plane loads of customers. 

About ten minutes later, we received a message from the company that they had changed their mind and wanted us back home.  Apparently there were no facilities in place at our destination to repair the aircraft and they didn’t want to strand us and more importantly the jet at an outstation in Mexico.  I started a slow 180 degree turn to the right as the Captain picked up the PA and started to explain.  He offered to let me make that PA, but I declined.  We were 45 minutes into our flight at this point and even with a strong tailwind the ride home seemed like an eternity.

I was impressed with how the company handled our return.  This flight had become what is often called an OSO, or an off scheduled operation, and OSO’s are prone to falling into cracks.  We arrived back at home base and were assigned a gate next to the aircraft we were to turn around take back out.  The jet needed to be cleaned, fueled, catered and all necessary paperwork had to be re-calculated, re-filed and re-printed.  There were plenty of opportunities for something to get missed, but everyone did their job and we were back on the road in a surprisingly short time.

The rest of the trip was uneventful…just long.  I’m off to recurrent training next for my yearly refresher course.  Saturday was a good day of practice.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Down Three Red

Waiting in line for takeoff from San Diego 
San Diego has a noise curfew that prohibits takeoff before 6:30am.  No need to set an alarm clock if you live off the west end of the runway as the first MD80 departure of the day could wake the dead.  Most of the airlines push off the gate around 6:15 taxi down and wait for the clock to click past 6:29.  As you can see from the picture, my flight was about number 5 in line this morning...we rotated at 6:36.

It was a beautiful southern California morning with good visibility, warm temperatures and light winds.  I landed almost three hours later in Dallas, Texas where the temperature was hovering around 40 degrees Fahrenheit with cloud bases at 300 feet and visibility described in feet, not miles.  I was at the controls as Regional Approach vectored us in for an ILS approach to runway 36L.  "Turn left heading 030, maintain 4000 until established, cleared for the ILS 36L."

The visibility wasn't great, but it was a simple approach with enough room between minimums and the actual weather conditions that I was confident we would land.  I left the auto pilot engaged as we intercepted the glide slope and began our final descent.  We were in icing conditions with engine and wing heat on and I needed to keep the engines spooled up to provide enough heat to keep the wings warm, so I lowered the flaps earlier than normal and asked the Captain to lower the gear as we descended through 1800 feet AGL.  I heard the nose gear doors open and felt the mains drop into position, but in my peripheral vision I could see the glaring red lights indicating a gear unsafe condition...

In hind sight, what surprises me most about what happened next was how much information passed though my head in such a short amount of time.  It was only after we were safely on the ground and the Captain and I began to talk about what had happened that we realized how much we had considered in such a short period.

...I felt the gear fall into place and was reasonable sure at least one of the three landing gear was down...three red lights on the panel indicate none of the three gear is down and locked...did I forget to turn the hydraulic pumps on high?  No, both engine driven hydraulic pumps were selected to high...check the nose gear indicating's up indicating the nose gear is down, but the light still shines red...cycle the gear?  Maybe we'll get lucky...1600 AGL now, precious little time to salvage a fuel is 9,400 lbs. and we're at 10,800 right now...not enough for a go around and another attempt...what's my alternate airport...visibility is too low to ask the tower for a visual check on the gear...

As those last few thoughts were passing through my head the Captain lowered the gear handle a second time and in a few seconds we had three green lights.  Clearly the situation was much improved, but I still had work to do.  I was behind now and needed to be fully configured by 1000 feet AGL or our company procedures would require a go-around.  I lowered the rest of the flaps and slowed the aircraft to approach speed and managed to stabilize the thrust as the aircraft announced "1000."  The surface report that I had rechecked only minutes earlier claimed a ceiling of 700 feet and visibility of 1 1/2 miles.  But as we passed through 700 ft, the rain that had been falling lightly for a few minutes now intensified and it was clear the weather was lower than reported.

The Captain reported the runway lights as we descended through 300 feet and called the runway in sight at 200 feet above touchdown.  As the mains contacted the runway, the tower controller reported runway visibility of 5000RVR.  I slowed the aircraft to taxi speed and stepped on the right rudder to steer toward the high speed exit and noticed my heart rate...slightly elevated to say the least.