Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Air Canada 767s Go Silver

In an effort to save cash, Air Canada is testing out the polished à-la-American look on its Boeing 767 fleet. The whole process shaves off 360 pounds of weight on each plane, which means AC will save about $24,000 per year on fuel costs. Not all 767s will be polished, and of course, Airbus crafts can't be polished because of the material they're made out of (no idea what it is, though).

Personally, I think the new 'toothpaste tube' paint job is OK, but it just doesn't go with polished aluminum. American's scheme is a classic, and Northwest did a decent job with their new paint job too. But the fuselage looks like it's been sanded with 120 grit sandpaper by a woodworking class.


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