Tuesday, May 16, 2006

United To Move World HQ?

United Airlines, according to economic development corporation World Business Chicago, might move its headquarters from Chicago to Denver. UAL is currently based in Elk Grove Village a suburb of Chicago. World Headquarters for United has been in the same location since 1961.

All United would say is that it is seeking to 'consolidate its facilities', as a spokeswoman put it. UAL wouldn't speculate if it would move to Denver or San Francisco, as several news articles have stated it might. If United does leave Chicago, it would most likely leave for Denver - where the airline's CEO said his company's 'second home' is.

Yet another option for the airline is to stay in Chicago. United - which is one of the largest employers in Illinois - might move its facilities to the downtown area. And you can bet that the airline, which in the Chicagoland area calls itself 'Chicago's Hometown Airline', is being persuaded by city and state officials to keep WHQ in Chicago.

Mayor Daley refused to comment until after United made its decision, which is expected by Labor Day. The director of World Business Chicago had this to say:
"I think the mayor, the governor of Illinois and the entire business community of Chicago will weigh in, just to tell (United) how important they are and how much we love them."

But if United does move its headquarters out of the Windy City, they had better be prepared to wait, according to TV personality Conan O'Brien: "United Airlines is considering moving its headquarters from the Chicago area to another city. The good news for Chicago is that United is leaving from O'Hare Airport, so their departure will be delayed six years."


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