Friday, June 22, 2007

Paris Air Show: Day 5

The Paris Air Show drew to a close today (at least in terms of plane orders) with a few more for Airbus: 20 A350s for Singapore Airlines and 20 A320 family planes for Riyadh-based National Air Services. In a press release, Airbus mentioned its gains with much fanfare. “This Airshow has confirmed that Airbus is very much back on the market, continuing to satisfy customers with the right products. Especially the A380 and A350 XWB have been the highlight of the show, receiving tremendous customer endorsement. They will lead the way in the future in terms of aircraft technology, passenger comfort and environment friendliness. Also, the A330/A340 Family continues to be very much in demand, as is our single-aisle Family,” said Airbus President and CEO Louis Gallois. ”This should give us further incentive to pursue our efforts to turn the company around in order to be able to deliver on our promises”.


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