Monday, July 9, 2007

Boeing rolls out the 787

photo courtesy jnsabino

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner was unveiled yesterday at Boeing's Everett, Washington facility. It was certainly a PR coup for the company - many news outlets were on hand to cover the event, and employees and the public were allowed to go right up to the plane and touch it!

Boeing also announced 35 new orders for the 787 just a few hours before roll out, meaning that there are now 677 orders from 47 customers for the plane, which is Boeing's first all-new aircraft since the 777 was first built in 1995.

It looked like a pretty interesting show, and I did watch the webcast online via Boeing's website (although Flightblogger was able to be there in person and did take some pictures). What I found especially interesting was the note that Airbus CEO Louis Gallois sent to Boeing CEO James McNerney:
"On behalf of the global Airbus team, I would like to offer you and your Boeing colleagues our congratulations on the rollout of your first 787 aircraft. Today is a great day in aviation history. For, whenever such a milestone is reached in our industry, it always is a reflection of hard work by dedicated people inspired by the wonder of flight. Even if tomorrow Airbus will get back to the business of competing vigorously, today is Boeing's day - a day to celebrate the 787."

Looks like Boeing will have to do the same when Airbus releases the A350 in a few years.


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