Tuesday, August 14, 2007

AirTran isn't done with Midwest yet

Apparently AirTran isn't quite yet ready to give up on acquisition target Midwest Air, even though two days ago Midwest announced that it would go ahead with a deal led by TPG Capital. While the TPG offer was $16 a share, AirTran's latest offer, of $445 million in cash and stock, is valued at $16.25 a share. (Its old offer was $15.75 a share.) Midwest's board said earlier today that they would take the "revised offer under consideration".
Even though Midwest was expected to strike a formal agreement with the TPG-led group on Wednesday, AirTran might get its way in the end. Over half of Midwest shareholders were for the original AirTran deal, and Pequot Capital Management, the largest shareholder in Midwest, said today that they had "significant concerns" about a deal with TPG. Pequot's managing director said that in the long term, a deal with AirTran might be more valuable because the two airlines would be able to eliminate overlaps in their route networks - a move that would save a lot of money.


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