Saturday, May 23, 2009

Delta CEO: Goal of no layoffs

photo by sainz
Here's an interesting paragraph from an article in yesterday's Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Anderson credited employee for hard work despite an adverse economy, and said the carrier retains the goal of having no frontline layoffs. Delta and Northwest have offered buyout and early retirement packages to thousands over the past year, and officials have said 2,500 employees will leave the combined carrier after the busy summer travel season. “We just have to do our very best and work very hard,” Anderson said.
That's right! No 'frontline' layoffs at Delta, according to the CEO - except that that doesn't include Delta's wholly-owned regional subsidiary Comair, which has cut jobs through 'attrition' this past February. So, no layoffs? Well, maybe if you work for Delta mainline, but if you don't...


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