Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lufthansa's rainy day fund

Never mind Lufthansa's current financial difficulties, which I wrote about yesterday - the German carrier is intent on keeping clouds out of the picture with its new "sunshine guarantee". If you're on vacation and your day's a washout, don't worry - Lufthansa will give you 20 euros (approx. $30) for each rainy day of your vacation, up to 200 euros. "If the sunny stay hoped for by many is spoiled by rain, maybe 20 euros compensation ...will brighten the mood," the airline said, quoted by AFP. In order to qualify, the German weather website must show at least five millimeters of precipitation at your vacation destination (one of 36 eligible cities), and your flights have to be booked between now and August 18 and must be flown from Germany between September and October.

Some of the destinations - Abu Dhabi, Tel Aviv, Dubai, Cairo, Madrid, Barcelona - all seem like pretty fair weather cities, so the money that isn't spent there can be spent on other cities that are also covered in the deal, like New York and Washington, which have a lot more rain (especially this summer!) than those other cities.

photo by So Cal Metro from Flickr


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